Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tree of the Week - Hybrid Poplar

I figured I'd change it up a bit this week and go for a tree with amazing growth characteristics; the hybrid poplar; which is the result of crossing aspen, cottonwood and poplar species. These trees are capable of growing upwards of 8 feet in height per year; adding over an inch in diameter in ideal locations. The great news is, hybrid poplars are able to grow virtually anywhere; there are so many varieties out there that are adapted to warm or cold, wet or dry climates that there is virtually one for everybody.

I wanted to spend some time talking first about the primary uses of hybrid poplars. For the most part; hybrid poplar is used for two main purposes in the United States; biomass fuel and pulp wood (for the paper industry). It is also utilized overseas in Europe as lumber and engineered wood products. Virtually any land owner can benefit from planting poplar and the great part about it is that it can be beneficial to those who even own only a few acres.

For homeowners with small tracts of land (1-5 acres) that heat with wood, hybrid poplar is a great way to become self-sufficient. Hybrid poplar can be planted on a 6'x6' grid on an acre of land, with 1,200 trees per acre and will provide upwards of five cords annually per acre after the first succession, which will yield two to three cords annually. To establish such a plantation, there are four successive plantings; each 1/4 acre, spaced one year apart. By the fourth year; the first planting will be 20 to 30 feet tall and approximately 4" in d.b.h; at which point it can be cut into usable fuel wood. On the fifth year, the second 1/4 acre will be harvested, and so on. It is important to note that hybrid poplar has a much lower BTU/cord content because of its relatively light weight; thus it is equivalent to around 1/2 of standard hardwood firewood; i.e. it would take two cords to produce the heat output of one cord of quality hardwood.

If planning to grow for longer periods of time; trees need more growing area. A six year rotation will require an 8x8 plot or 680 trees per acre; while an 8 year rotation will require spacing of 9x9 or 520 trees per acre. An eight year rotation will produce approximately 45 cords per acre; or 5.7 cords per year (averaged over 8 years). A six year rotation will produce only 25 cords at only 4.2 cords per year; while a four year rotation will produce approximately 15 cords at 3.8 cords per year. Clearly, if you're willing to wait; the payoff is dramatically increased; as the IRR is lowest for a four year rotation and highest for an 8 year rotation over a 35 year growing period.

One of the benefits of the hybrid poplar is its ability to regenerate from its stumps when young; meaning that after the first harvest, the trees will quickly produce new growth and will be able to be harvested in another four years with an even higher yield. The trees will last for upwards of 35 to 40 years before losing vigor; meaning that you can expect multiple harvests from the same planting. However, if harvested in intervals greater than eight years; stump regeneration is often less reliable. Thus, to save the cost associated with planting; poplar should be harvested on at the very longest; an eight year schedule. At that length, the wood may also be marketed to log buyers as pulpwood for the paper industry; if, of course, there is a buyer in the area.

A short to medium-term rotation poplar plantation is also a great wildlife tool; as it will have various tree age classes; providing browse and cover for a variety of wildlife. Further, deer love hybrid poplar. While this would be a concern with the planting of other species; the rapid growth of hybrid poplar ensures that the trees will be well beyond the point of deer browse after a couple of good growing seasons. Of course, large scale planting will reduce the effects of browsing as well. Hybrid poplar would be a great choice for a land manager that has a mostly pole-sized forest but wants to provide some thicker cover for wildlife while the poles develop. By dedicating a portion of the property to hybrid poplar production, land managers can achieve this goal by planting on a four, six or eight year rotation, while also being able to generate income in a few short years.

Hybrid poplar is readily planted as unrooted cuttings, which makes planting it much less time consuming than other tree species which require rooted seedlings. It rapidly sends out roots provided moisture and proper growing conditions. The selection of the proper clone for your area is key to the success of the plantation. Further, one should consider planting multiple varieties to reduce the risk of insect or disease infestation throughout the entire plantation, or, at the very least, planting disease-resistant varieties.

Overall, hybrid poplar is a unique option for some land managers. It's fast growth and ability to regenerate are great assets that may be exploited with great success in certain applications.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tree of the Week - Shagbark Hickory

Following up on the posting about squirrel hunting, I figured we'll look at the shagbark hickory, which is, like acorns, one of their favorite foods. Shagbark hickory is a slow growing tree; reaching a d.b.h. of only 10 inches after 80 years of growth, that is a prolific producer of sweet hickory nuts. The nuts are not only consumed by squirrels, but are also part of the diet of virtually all game species from bear to waterfowl, making the trees valuable as wildlife mast. However, this about their only value; considering it's slow growth rate and low value ($55/MBF), it isn't suitable for timber production, although it is one of the strongest woods in the eastern United States.

Because of its lack of commercial value, the land manager needs to determine if the non-economic value of the tree. If the land manager deems the mast to be valuable to wildlife; the trees should then be managed for nut production like other trees; ie. releasing the trees to create large canopies capable of substantial nut production. If the manager decides the trees should be removed, because the trees are slow growers and only bear nuts after 40 years, with largest yields at 60-200 years, managers need to be sure that they want to remove the trees. The only situation in which the trees should be removed would be if there is enough mast production that the removal of the trees will not reduce the food availability. Similarly, the trees should only be removed if they are hindering the growth of higher value timber species.

Otherwise, the trees are doing little to hinder the value of the property and are contributing to the mast production. This, of course, applies to small volumes of hickory trees. If there are large volumes; the removal of the hickory once it reaches commercial value and subsequent replanting of oak, black cherry or other high value mast producers may be the best bet. Of course, this is only if the soil and topography support the replacement species; as hickory is widely adapted, from clay to well-drained soil, in bottom lands, as well as on higher terrains, meaning that other mast producers may not grow as well on the land. Thus, the land manager would need to decide between the mast production versus other higher value, non-mast producing timber species that would grow on the land.

Because of its low commercial value, I am not going to cover the planting and management of seedlings; as, by far, oaks are a much better choice as an all-around tree; with high value and moderate to fast growth.

Overall, hickory is a great mast producer and a strong wood, but is not a great money-maker.

Timber Rating: D
Mast Rating: A-

Overall Rating: C

Fall Squirrel Hunting Strategies

As the weather cools and the acorns and leaves fall; we're at the peak of the squirrel hunting season. While squirrel hunting is largely overlooked; it is still one of the most popular game species throughout the country. I will be focusing on the Eastern Grey Squirrel for the sake of this article, as it is the predominant species here, but the hunting strategy remains largely the same throughout the country. Squirrel hunting is an important habitat management tactic; as squirrels readily reproduce; about one-third of females having two litters per year; each with an average of three young, the remainder having one litter of a similar size. This means a squirrel population can easily double in the course of a year. In fact, squirrel hunting currently culls around one third of the squirrel population and most state wildlife departments indicate that over one half of the squirrel population can successfully be taken annually to stabilize the populations. Without squirrel hunting; competition for food could push further numbers of squirrels into residential areas, where they can wreak havoc on homes.

The key to squirrel hunting is being in the right area. Prime squirrel habitat consists of a variety of hard mast, namely acorns. Hard mast trees located in proximity to small running streams and row crops, namely feed corn, make for optimal hunting. Squirrel populations up to six squirrels per acre are possible in such areas, especially in smaller wooded lots. Large expanses of land typically yield a lower population density; around one or two squirrels per acre.

In regards to hunting strategy, it is important to watch more than you look. Many squirrel hunters will walk through the woods too fast, which will cause squirrels to go into hiding, making it nearly impossible to see them. Perhaps move 20 yards at a time; waiting for ten to fifteen minutes in between.

Squirrel calls are another important area to discuss. Many people expect that squirrel calls will work similarly to deer, turkey, predator, etc. calls by attracting squirrels to them. However, these calls do not work in the same fashion. Rarely will squirrels come to the source of the call; rather, they will bark or chatter which will allow the hunter to locate the squirrels, at which point, closing the distance through carefully stalking becomes the strategy. Primos makes a great squirrel call, the Squirrel Buster ($12.99 at Cabela's), which can be used for both fox squirrels and grey squirrels. It can reproduce the bark, chatter and distress calls of both of these species and comes with an instructional CD that will get you up and going.

I typically start off with a chatter; moving quickly into a distress call. While performing the distress call, I will use a small branch to rustle the leaves on the ground, simulating a hawk catching a young squirrel. This will usually spark the curiosity of surrounding squirrels and will cause them to let out a bark or chatter. Once you lock onto the squirrels, you need to then slowly move through the woods to a location you can take a shot from. If, in the process, you spook the squirrel into hiding, the best thing you can do is to get to a large tree that you feel comfortable taking the shot from and wait quietly. To speed up the process you can use two poker chips, quarters or half dollars. By rubbing the ridges along the outside of the coins or chips, you can recreate the sound of a squirrel cutting a nut. This will fool the surrounding squirrels into thinking that other squirrels have emerged from hiding and that it is now safe to come out.

Hunting can be slow during the day, but barking can be used to get squirrels on the move. Sometimes it will simply spark the curiosity of local squirrels and they'll come out for a look. It's important to keep an eye up in the canopy when doing this in the middle of the day, as more than likely, squirrels will be in their dens or tree cavities.

Of the potential weapons to use on the hunt; .22 caliber rimfire rifles are often the best choice; especially if you're looking to add a little marksmanship to the hunt. If you're not, a 410-gauge shotgun can do the trick. I prefer to use a .22 caliber high-power air rifle, similar to the one shown above, which will shoot in the 800-900 FPS range. The benefit of the air rifle is two-fold. From a safety perspective, air rifles do not have the trajectory of a rimfire rifle, meaning that they can be used in more confined spaces without risk of injuring anyone in surrounding areas. The greatest benefit, however, is the quieter firing. The pellets travel slightly below the speed of sound (some .177 caliber air rifles will break the sound barrier, something to consider when selecting a weapon) which reduces the likelihood of spooking surrounding squirrels. In fact, if you happen to miss a shot, the target squirrel may give you a second chance or will go into hiding for only a brief period. No matter what weapon you choose, make sure that it has the power behind it to ensure a humane kill; something with at least 15 ft/lbs of energy. To calculate the energy exherted by your weapon, you can use this simple energy calculator.

I also want to mention Mepps Squirrel Tail Program. Mepps is a maker of fishing lures and uses squirrel tail fur on many of their lures. For the fisherman in you, you can earn credit of upwards of $0.40 per squirrel tail which you can use to purchase Mepps lures, or $0.20 in cash. While by no means am I presenting this as a means to make money, as squirrels should be taken primarily for their meat, I am throwing it out there as a way for hunters to be resourceful in utilizing all of their kill.

In short, squirrel hunting is a great way to spend time in the woods, perhaps scouting for deer season. It is a great way to introduce children into the world of hunting and can present a challenge for even the most seasoned hunter.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tree of the Week - Staghorn Sumac

Moving on from coniferous cover; staghorn sumac is a small, deciduous, non-commercial tree. Typically quite aggressive; leading to most people eradicating them from their property, they are a favorite browse food of whitetail deer and other species. Considering their rapid growth and invasive tendencies; they make the perfect winter browse cutting species.

Browse cutting is a management technique that is used to supplement winter feeding during high stress periods; which can help maintain the health of your herd when there is minimal other food available. It involves simply cutting small diameter trees three-quarters of the way through at knee height and bending them over until the canopy is resting on the ground. This gives deer and other species access to favorable browse that would otherwise be inaccessible. Determining when browse cutting for whitetail should be done is easy; if the deer tracks are individual, it means that deer can travel easily and that browse cutting is unnecessary. When tracks are combined into one main trail, it means that travel is difficult and browse cutting should be utilized.

Staghorn sumac is a great species for this, because it is invasive by nature, easily established and is a favored browse species because of its red seedheads that appear in the fall. The invasiveness is great for this management strategy; as cutting trees for browse kills the tree. By utilizing a tree that will regenerate quickly and grow fast; land managers can provide substantially more browse for wildlife when needed; versus utilizing traditional hardwood species. Staghorn sumac grows best in sun; meaning it would be best located in or near food plots. The best location possible would be along a coniferous border that would reduce the snow load.

Of course, care should be taken during the growing season to ensure that the sumac remains only in its designated area. Brush hogging or the application of herbicides can help maintain the sumac where desired. As long as care is taken to restrict its invasiveness, staghorn sumac cannot be beat as a browse cutting species.

Timber Rating: F
Mast Rating: B

Overall Rating: C-

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Managing Fruit Producers for Wildlife

Fruit producing trees and shrubs can provide great soft mast for wildlife from early summer through mid-fall and can be a primary reason for various wildlife species to inhabit your land. These fruit producers can range from blueberry bushes, to raspberry canes, to apple trees. Of course, as a land manager, one needs to decide to pursue managing these resources; as, in most situations, these species will not produce any income to the land owner but will incur substantial planting and management costs.

Berry Bushes

Berries are a favorite food of virtually all wildlife; from game birds to grizzly bears. These come in a variety of forms; from small strawberry plants to large blueberry bushes; each has its own use. For example, blueberry bushes grow best in acidic soil. Thus in a forest setting; it would be best planted in clearings near needle conifers; as they naturally cause acidic soil as their needles drop and decompose. For the most part; these plants should be planted along food plot borders and alongside access roads throughout the property; as they require at least some sunlight to efficiently produce crops. These species include blackberries, blueberries, currants, dewberries, elderberries, raspberries and strawberries, among others. The benefit of berry bushes is that there is a wide variety of fruit maturities; allowing you to be able to produce mast from summer through fall.

Fruit Trees

Come early fall, fruit trees are a popular hangout for hungry wildlife. The most popular non-commercial tree is the apple tree; with the most popular commercial species being black cherry. Capable of producing huge yields, apple trees are strong, hardy fruit trees that have a long producing lifespan; something uncommon for most fruit trees. However, other species can also make great additions to your land; including crabapple, mulberry, pear, and plum, among others. For the most part, fruit trees are best planted in orchard type settings; as many species require pollination from a neighboring tree as they are not self-pollinating. This means that land managers need to decide if the economic loss of future income from timber on this land is worth the conversion to a fruit orchard. For land managers serious about wildlife management this should be an easy choice; as fruit trees are a great source of nutrition for a wide array of wildlife.

Nut Trees

While there are a wide variety of hard mast producers, from hickory, to pecan, to oaks, this should be a pretty easy decision for land managers. While a few of each variety may be planted throughout a property, as a whole, oaks should be the favored species. Oaks are one of the most valuable, sought after hard mast producers; commanding higher prices per MBF than most other nut trees. That, combined with the fact that wildlife favor oak acorns (namely white oak, as discussed in earlier postings), makes this an easy decision for land managers who want to create economic value while also improving the wildlife population.

Other Fruits

The last important fruit species that hasn't been discussed is grapes. Wild muscadine grape vines produce loads of fruit in the early to mid fall. While grape vines can become intrusive, and thus need to be managed properly, training them on standing dead timber is a great way to attract wildlife throughout your property at minimal cost. If planted sparsely; one should opt for self-fertile varieties.

In areas where little fruit producing species exist; planting even a miniscule fraction of your property with a variety of-species can transform the wildlife population within your property. However, planting fruit-bearing species should be left until all of the other major areas are addressed; ie. food plots, hard mast producers, wintering areas, etc. If all of those areas are properly addressed and you have healthy populations of your target species; the addition of fruit-producing species can ensure that the wildlife on your property doesn't migrate to surrounding areas.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tree of the Week - Eastern Hemlock

Ranging across the northeast; this slow-growing conifer creates great winter cover areas for a range of species. Eastern hemlock is not that notable for its sawtimber production because of its extremely slow growth rate and low value ($60 per MBF; $12 per cord). Some of these trees are known to be extremely slow growers; some less than one inch in d.b.h. are reportedly over 100 years old; with the oldest known tree being 988 years and 38 inches in d.b.h. Growth rates of 2.5" per decade are possible in areas of little competition; especially following the release of the understory. All of that said; it is easy to see that hemlock is not a great species for timber production; especially considering the higher value and substantially faster growth of eastern white pine; as discussed last week. Thus, we will focus on the wildlife benefits of hemlock; namely its use as whitetail deer wintering yards.

While hemlock is used by various species as softwood browse; it is by no means a highly favored species and is typically hard to reach; as limbs can be well out of reach in older stands. In stands with hemlock comprising over 70% of the overstory and abundant "functional cover" (trees over 35 feet in height); land managers can potentially find more value in the stand as winter wildlife cover than as timber; although there are only a few situations in which one can make a true economic comparison favoring it as cover; as, for the most part, it does not produce income as such.

However, if managed properly; deer wintering yards can produce at least some income. Wintering yards are best constructed as uneven age stands; favoring the younger age classes. Below is a table of the age composition of a properly managed hemlock deer yard; as can be seen; most emphasis is placed on species in the 20 to 40 feet range; although the notable difference is the presence of a larger volume of 10 to 20 feet tall trees.

Thus, the management of these stands becomes important if one wishes to produce income from them while maintaining the proper age classes. In such managed stands, 50% of the stand should remain in functional cover at all times. The remainder of the stand should be composed of regenerating stock, where new stands are developing, and thinned areas, from which mature trees are harvested. Because hemlock regenerates well in moist shade; it is best to encourage regeneration in areas with a tall overstory (which can help to retain moisture and filter sunlight); ready for harvest once the regeneration reaches the three to five feet tall range; at which time it can be safely released without risk of mortality. In such a situation; the regeneration area is also still serving as functional cover during this transition period. The problem that lies in this type of management is the ability of the seedlings to reach this height requirement without being heavily browsed upon. While this is a problem; the only way to lessen the effects of browsing is to have areas of regeneration with no overstory; which requires the land manager to plant seedlings; as there will be no hemlock overstory from which to regenerate.

It is important for hemlock wintering yards to be located in close proximity to winter feeding areas; whether they be food plots or browse areas. If the yards are not immediately adjacent to the feeding areas, there should be coniferous travel corridors that wildlife can utilize to these feed sources during periods of heavy snowfall.

Overall, hemlock wintering yards are a great asset to land managers focused on wildlife health during winter months. However, they have little economic value because of the growth rate and value of the hemlock timber. Therefore, it may be a situation in which a manager may utilize the hemlock resource if they have such on their property, but would be best to opt against trying to develop such a resource if the property currently lacks one, as it is simply not economically practical.

Timber Rating: D
Cover Rating: A

Overall Rating: B-

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tree of the Week - Eastern White Pine

Now that we've covered the most valuable mast producing trees that populate northeastern forests; we're going to spend some time focusing on some of the more prevalent conifers. Of course, eastern white pine is one of the most valuable, generating around $120 per MBF currently. Eastern white pine is a valuable cover species in northeastern forests; where it can be found in masses. Of the northeastern conifers; eastern white pine is the most preferable timber species, as it is a highly-demanded, fast-growing species, capable of growing in excess of 18" per year in favorable conditions.

While white pine buds are a favorite browse food of whitetail deer; the trees are more important for their cover during the winter months. White pine, along with most other conifers, are very important in reducing the snow load on the ground, which is key to the movement and ultimately, survival, of wildlife. Lesser snow loads means that wildlife burns less calories in search of food; which is very important when nutritious food sources are hard to come by. It is important to note that of the native conifer species, white pine has some of the weakest branches; meaning it is not as good at reducing the snow load as other species. However, considering its value as a timber species; it makes for a great species in a dual-management setting; as most other conifers are substantially slower growing and are less valuable.

Managing white pine is no different than the valuable mast species; they should be tightly planted to ensure proper stem form. The species tolerates moderately wet, well-draining soil better than other pine species; but does not tolerate dry or swampy conditions well. White Pine grows best on higher terrain; ie. hillsides, ridges, etc., and can tolerate up to 60% shade when young; making it a great successional planting. Avoiding low areas where cool, moist air collects can help prevent white pine blister rust.

In regards to the management of these species for wildlife; it is important to manage them in a way that provides natural winter travel corridors between food sources and bedding areas. Further; these travel corridors would be best composed primarily of conifer species; as it will do the best job of reducing the snow load to a managable level.

Overall, eastern white pine is a great all-around tree species; as a high-value, fast growing timber species capable of producing great cover habitat for wildlife.

Timber Value: B+
Cover Rating: B

Overall Rating: B

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Finding Deer Bedding Areas

Finding deer bedding areas is key to being able to predict deer movement within your property. There are a couple ways of doing so, depending on if you're looking for doe or bucks, as they typically have seperate core areas, and thus bedding areas.

If you're searching for does; which would be a great way to go about it for hunting during the rut, when bucks come searching for does in their core areas, your best bet is to locate key food sources that will be maturing during or slightly before the rut. Once you locate these sources; take time to find the major travel corridors to and from these areas. Following these trails will typically lead you to the bedding areas. It is best to do your scouting well before the hunting season; even if these crops are not yet yielding, as the deer will likely be using these sources later in the season. Doing so will ensure that you are not disrupting the deer movement close to the rut, as this could cause them to change their feeding habits for the near-term, meaning your efforts are wasted.

On the other hand, if you're searching for bucks; which would be better when preparing for pre- and post-rut hunts, you're going to want to focus on finding the buck's core areas, as they will be living primarily solitary lives during this time. To find their core areas, you need to locate heavy scrape activity in close vicinity to thick cover. Thus, your best bet is to locate the heavy cover areas on your property and then search for sign near these areas.

It is important to understand that the bedding areas are where deer feel safest; thus, you need to minimize your hunting pressure on them. Deer have upwards of five main bedding areas that they utilize based on wind direction and stress factors (ie. hunter pressure), which means that if you put too much pressure on one area; they're likely to move to other areas and avoid that area. Hunting these areas more than one day a week could cause deer to become nervous about the area and vacate it; thus it is important to be vigilant about controlling your scent and minimizing your impact on the area when you do enter it. That means not cutting easily recognizable shooting lanes, also.

When hunting the bedding areas, it is extremely important to get into the areas in the early morning before the deer do; as entering the after the deer can be very tricky and can easily spook the deer. As the morning wears on, the deer will return to their bedding areas, meaning you need to be in your stand before they do.

Overall, bedding areas present unique hunting opportunities, especially when used in conjunction with feeding areas; but caution has to be taken to ensure a successful outing.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tree of the Week - American Beech

The American Beech tree is a deciduous hardwood, which produces strong timber and valuable mast in the form of beech nuts. For the sake of this article, the production of this tree for timber will be excluded; as it is a slow-growing tree, at less than 12" in crown growth per year, with a stumpage value of a mere $50 per MBF, making it an unfavorable timber species, although it makes a great fuel wood. That said, beech nuts are a highly valuable fall mast crop, attracting a wide variety of game species from ruffed grouse to black bear, and everything in between.

Managing Beech trees is purely a decision regarding the economic goals of the landowner. Beech should not be considered a highly valuable timber species, but it is of great value to wildlife. Choosing between other mast producers, Beech would be at the bottom of the list; comparable to White Oak in growth rate; with a smaller mast yield and timber that is worth a third of that of White Oak (which is, in turn, a third as valuable as Red Oak and Black Cherry). Thus, if a property has a strong White Oak representation; it would be best to remove the Beech to help release the White Oak, encouraging more natural regeneration. The same goes for Red Oak and Black Cherry, considering their fast growth rates and high timber values. However, on a property overrun by Beech trees; it would be of the best interest of the landowner to retain the species; perform some pre-commercial thinnings to remove the trees of little value and then replant the released land with some commercially-valuable, mast-producing species.

The one main benefit, and also danger, of American Beech is it's shade tolerance. Being much more shade tolerant than other species; it is a great successional planting, providing great cover to wildlife in its younger age. However, it can also become disastrous if not managed properly; as it can consume an entire forest floor, meaning if there are valuable timber species growing and regenerating alongside Beech, they will likely be choked out by the lack of sunlight and competition for nutrients. That means that once the valuable sawlog-sized species are removed, one could end up with natural regeneration of low-value, slow growing Beech. Another drawback to this situation is the shallow root system of Beech trees, which will undoubtedly reduce the moisture available to species with deeper root systems.

That all said, American Beech would be a very niche tree; only allowed if it makes up a large portion of the species composition. Otherwise; one would be better to opt for other, more valuable mast producers, as they would allow for a more balanced long-term species composition, while creating more value from a timber production perspective.

Timber Rating: D

Mast Rating: B+

Overall Rating: C

Predator Management

Managing coyotes and other predators is a key component to the long-term health of the target managed species, as high predation levels can limit the population size of a herd well below the land's carrying capacity.

The most important thing to understand is that predators are going to exist on your land whether or not you want them to. In fact, heavy hunting pressure can only worsen the infestation; as it can kick in a natural defense mechanism in which they breed more often with more young per litter; exponentially increasing your problem. Thus, the most one can do is limit the risk of predation. For the sake of this article; attention will be focused on whitetail deer; as they are the most commonly managed game species.

Limiting predation risk revolves around two key concepts; habitat management and population balance. In regards to habitat management; the key importance here is to ensure that deer always have an easy means to escape. This can be especially important in food plots; where the deer are exposed and easily seen, versus in a wooded area where spotting and approaching them is more difficult. As mentioned in the earlier post regarding food plots; it is very important to locate them with at least one side of the plot being adjacent to a thick coniferous area that will serve as great cover and provide easily accessible escape routes. Not only will this encourage the use of the food plots, as the deer will feel safe, which will ultimately build the health of the herd, but it will also ensure fewer easy meals for hungry coyotes and an overall healthier herd.

Maintaining the proper sex balance is equally important; as it will put into action one of the whitetail deer's best natural defense mechanisms, predator swamping. By ensuring that there is at most two does for every buck (with an ideal ratio of 1:1); land managers can help to reduce the predation on fawns in the following birthing season. The reasoning behind this is simple; if all does are bred on or near the same date once the rut hits, they will also be given birth to on or near the same date. This will result in more fawns than the local coyote population can possibly consume; resulting in a larger proportion of the fawns living past the critical first year. Conversely, if there are three or more doe per buck, breeding may take place over two periods; the peak rut and then a month later during the secondary rut, where any unbred does will be bred. Such a situation will allow for predators to hunt fawns over a longer time period; resulting in a higher mortality rate.

Ensuring the population is balanced revolves around the management of the deer herd. The important factor here is the harvesting of does. In many areas; bucks are harvested more readily than does, leading to an inherently unbalanced herd, which can cause predation to run rampant. Thus, land managers should encourage the taking of does as well, through providing free or low-cost access to the land for a pool of hunters willing to take does. Of course, the land manager will need to carefully assess how many does will need to be taken during the season through a population study prior to the season, as too large of a harvest can cause the following birthing period to be weak. The land manager could recommend the venison be donated to the local venison donation coalition to provide food to shelters, ensuring that nothing is wasted in the process of rebalancing the herd.

Lastly, while I spoke earlier against hunting predators as a means to reduce their population, by no means am I against it. Hunting them can be a great tool in your arsenal to combat high predation rates; however, it should not be your only tool. Used as a secondary tool, hunting can help reduce or stabilize predator populations, which can help aid the long-term success of your deer herd.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tree of the Week - Wild Black Cherry

Wild black cherry is one of the most valuable timber trees, and also one of the most valued by wildlife. The trees produce masses of soft mast, which is consumed by everything from song birds to bears, while they are highly valued in the lumber and wood working industries; bringing in upwards of $600 per MBF, currently.

The mast is dropped in late August through September and is a magnet for a wide variety of wildlife; with trees being visited virtually daily until the fruit is gone. While there is little hunting that can be done this time of year; it does present a great opportunity for one to monitor their wildlife.

One major area of concern is the potential toxicity of black cherry; with the ability to kill large game, such as whitetail deer. Wilted leaves of wild black cherry, and most other cherries, for that matter, are dangerous and need to be managed carefully. Black cherry leaves while green and growing are no danger, and the risk with leaves dying off in the fall are also no major concern. The area of concern lies in leaves that are wilted on broken or fallen limbs; as these are the leaves that contain dangerous levels of cyanide; in fact, one study concluded that a mere two ounces of these leaves deliver a toxic dose of cyanide to whitetail deer. Thus, if managing for wildlife is a major concern; land managers should take time to ensure that minimal broken or fallen limbs are accessible to wildlife. While this can be a major project after a strong wind storm; black cherry is a desirable tree for many wildlife species and thus putting in this extra work should be a priority to ensure the safety of your herd.

Managing black cherry in a dual-purpose land management plan will most likely favor timber production, considering its substantial economic value. Thus, close plantings are vital to ensuring clear, straight stem form. While this will restrict canopy development; managing black cherry stands can produce enough mast to feed a large wildlife population. If black cherry exists in clearings; where canopies are allowed to fully develop at the expense of the stem form, the trees exist mainly for wildlife purposes. In such situations; one needs to weigh the trees value carefully when considering the toxicity of fallen limbs. If the land is going to be intensively managed, it is beneficial to leave the trees; however, if the land isn't going to be to heavily managed, the tree should be removed to minimize the risk of poisoning wildlife.

Black cherry can be planted from seed or seedlings, however, seedlings are the best option, as the seeds have a thick coat that can make germination rates very low. As far as seedlings are concerned; there is a choice between standard and genetically modified seedlings. This is purely an economic decision; genetically modified trees can produce substantially higher quality wood on a much quicker time horizon, which comes at a substantially increased cost. These trees are available through Advanced Tree Technology, where you can find more information about them.

Timber Rating: A+
Mast Rating: B+

Overall Rating: A

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Introduction to Food Plots

Food plots are a great way to supplement the natural carrying capacity of a given land. Food plots should average between three and six percent of the total land area; assuming that the remainder of the land provides substantial year-round food sources; including browse, hard and soft mast, and other agricultural crops. Plots should be limited to five acres maximum; with ideal size of one acre. Larger plots expose wildlife to potentially higher predation rates.

On tracts designated to timber production; losing acreage to food plots is not desirable. However, there is a solution. Logging landing areas and access roads throughout the property make great food plots. Although it can make it more difficult to locate wildlife because the plots will be spread across the entire property; it will have a minimal impact on the value of timber supported on the property.

Food plots should be designed to maximize wildlife usage, not to maximize wildlife visibility. Thus, plots are best designed in long, narrow, irregularly shaped areas with plenty of dense cover areas to serve as escape routes. This dense cover can overlap as other potential feed sources; ie. sumac, berries, coniferous browse, etc. The plots would ideally be located near some dense coniferous bedding area; especially in northern areas for late-season winter wheat and other late maturing feed sources. The plot would best be located to the side of the coniferous areas that protects it as best as possible from the prevailing winter winds; as less snow accumulation will make the plots more attractive to deer.

Alfalfa is a food plot plant that is very important to discuss from a financial standpoint. For the most part; many of the food plot plants that are available are going to cost you money over the long run as planting and fertilizing costs rack up. Conversely, alfalfa can typically be grown for a profit; even if you do not have the equipment to perform the task yourself. On a shared crop basis; the land owner will provide 50% of the crop to the farmer in exchange for cutting and baling. While most land owners will not have a need for the remaining 50% of the crop, it does present a potential income stream should it be sold. If 1% of the total land area is planted in alfalfa and 4% is planted in other food sources; the income from the alfalfa will offset the cost of establishing and maintaining the plots; even if only than half of the retained hay is sold. On the downside, alfalfa can be relatively difficult to establish, as it is not very tolerant of a wide range in pH levels. However, once established; alfalfa can expected to provide strong yields for upwards of five years, making it one of the most favored food plot plantings.

Brassica vegetables have recently come into favor as a food plot planting. Brassicas consist of vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and turnips. For the sake of food plots; turnips are the most common; especially wild turnips. Brassicas make a great fall and early winter crop; as wildlife does not consume the leaves until the first hard frost; at which point starches in the leaves convert to sugar and the leaves become more palatable.

Clover is a great all-purpose food plot crop; with high protein content and relatively early green-up in the spring. However, it does have its drawbacks; namely, it dies after any light frost; making it of minimal use as a fall and winter planting. Also, clover does not have as long of a lifespan as alfalfa; typically three years or so; although it is much easier to establish than alfalfa, so the trade-off is not that negative.

Corn requires special planting considerations because of wildlife habits. While corn cannot be beat as a winter food plot planting because of its high carbohydrates and great source as cover, wildlife tends to begin to consume it in early summer just as cobs begin to form; leaving little corn for winter feed. To deter this; there are a few solutions; first is to inter-plant soybeans with the corn; as deer will prefer the soybeans to the corn; thus alleviating the early feeding pressure on the corn. Second; corn should only be planted in large, 3+ acre plots; as anything less will encourage wildlife to consume the corn during the early summer when it is of little nutritional value. It is important to consider the cost of planting corn for wildlife feed as well; as corn consumes large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. However, inter-planting soybeans with the corn can reduce the monetary need for nitrogen fertilizer, as soybeans are a legume that fixes nitrogen to the soil that the corn would use. Further, utilizing alfalfa as a potential income stream can make planting corn and other nutrient-demanding crops a lesser financial strain, which can be important on large land areas with substantial food plot acreage.

Sorghum, commonly known as milo, is similar to corn, as it produces seed heads which are a great winter food source for wildlife. However, like corn, it has its downsides. Through learned behavior, wildlife will begin to consume sorghum in early September, just as the seed heads begin to fully develop; as a result; wildlife will be feeding on this source when it is not necessary to do so, as other crops would be more favorable and in season. Further, sorghum does not have the nutritional benefits of corn; meaning, in choosing between the two; corn would be more favorable. However, milo would make a better food source for upland game birds, should this be the target game. Either way, sorghum should be considered only on large properties and is treated similarly to corn.

Soybeans are one of deer's most favored plant come summer. As summer begins, wildlife, namely deer, will spend a lot of time feeding on this protein-rich food source. This grazing will continue into the fall and early winter months when wildlife feed on the mature bean pods. While soybeans yield much less than alfalfa or clover; they are excellent at extracting nutrients from the soil and can withstand heavy grazing once established. One has to manage the plot carefully, however, as too heavy of grazing early on can kill the plants; thus beans should be planted as early as possible; as fawning can give the plot the time it needs to get off the ground. That said; soybeans make an excellent food plot planting to consider.

The last major food plot contender is winter wheat/rye. This fall planted crop can provide great late season forage, as well as extremely early spring green-up with proper moisture, which is important as this is a heavy stress period for wildlife. However, winter wheat/rye do not provide great summer forage as it becomes a unpalatable in late spring. Considering its ability to provide much needed nutrition during important stress periods; winter wheat/rye should not be ignored as a food plot contender. Perhaps it should be mixed with clover, to make a great all-season plot.

Below is an example of a 1,680 acre property currently for sale; I have used the satellite imagery to portray where food plots would be best located, as designated by the orange areas on the map. The prevailing winds in this area come from the west; thus food plots would be best located on the eastern side of coniferous stands, as it will limit the amount of snow accumulation, while also providing great natural cover for escape routes.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tree of the Week - Northern Red Oak

Considering last week's posting about the White Oak, it only makes sense to follow up with information on the Northern Red Oak. Unlike White Oak, which is most favored as a game management tool for its acorns, Northern Red Oak is more valuable as timber; upwards of $400 per MBF at current rates in Upstate New York. This makes the management of Red Oak much different than that of White Oak; as the Red Oak will need to be grown greater densities to ensure proper stem form, while acorn productivity will take a back seat, unlike the White Oak which should be grown in open areas where it can form a full canopy for maximum acorn yield. However, from a land management standpoint; it would be better to have lesser quantities of White Oak trees; as they are less valuable, and more of the valuable Red Oak. Therefore; the yield of the Red Oaks will likely be higher than the yield of the less common White Oak, simply because of the planting requirements. Further, in having less White Oak, it makes it easier from a game management standpoint as well, knowing that game prefers the White Oak.

As timber, Red Oak is a fast-growing, high-demand hardwood, growing at rates upwards of two feet per year in its prime habitat; well-drained, north and east-facing slopes. Considering its value, demand and growth rate, Red Oak is a must-have for any serious land manager looking for a high ROI. While Red Oak acorns are less significant to most game; as the tannins block much of the digestibility of them; they remain very important to white-tailed deer, which have developed a natural resistance to the tannins. Likewise, Red Oak has a much more dependable yield year after year when compared to White Oak, which typically produces a large crop once every three to five years. Thus, from a game management standpoint, especially from deer management, Red Oak is by no means a tree that should be overlooked, as it is a very important fall yielding, hard mast species.

As far as planting Red Oak; it is a little more complex than that of White Oak, as it requires 60-75 days of stratification at approximately 40 degrees before it will germinate. Further, there are no genetically superior Red Oak on the market, as certain compounds within the wood make grafting virtually impossible, meaning so too is genetic improvement. Therefore, for someone who wants the easiest route, purchasing quality stock is the way to go; and because this wood will be sold as timber, the initial outlay cost is not as significant as it is with White Oak, which will command a substantially lower price over a longer growing period.

Timber Rating: A+
Mast Rating: A

Overall Rating: A

Friday, September 10, 2010

Locating Black Bear in the Fall

Finding black bear this time of year can be relatively easy if you're in an area where black bear roam. Because bears typically den in the winter; they need to build up their fat reserves, meaning they spend most of their time from now until winter eating heavily. In knowing that, one simply needs to know a bear's favorite foods to put it to use.

Bears consume large amounts of berries in the late summer, whether it be blackberries, blueberries or raspberries, among others. Locating a berry patch that a bear has been to is the challenge; but knowing whether a bear has been there or not is easy; the bushes/brambles will be all tore up, with much of the foliage missing. Come early fall, apples, black cherries and wild grapes will begin to fall, which are other staples of the black bear diet. Shortly after; acorns will start to drop, providing yet another great food source to keep an eye out for. As with any animal, black bears prefer white oak acorns, but will consume red if the supply of white is limited. Also on their diet is beech and hickory nuts and the occasional small mammal.

To determine what a bear is eating; one must analyze what is found in the bear's scat. Here is a great compilation of various contents of bear scat, which may be helpful. Once you figure out what a bear is eating; the quest to find these food sources becomes key. Here, in Upstate New York, one needs to look no further than along shore lines of many of the various Adirondack lakes to find berry bushes, while apples can be located on long-abandoned farmland. Other than these, locating food sources is simply a matter of putting in the time to walk the woods in search of food sources; ie. oak and black cherry trees. Oak trees, as well as black cherry, can often be found on the lower half of north and east-facing slopes in well-drained soil. While black cherry is often more tolerant of wetter conditions, the mast productivity decreases as soil moisture content increases.

If you're in an area with relatively fresh sign of bear but are unable to locate the food sources; using a predator call may be to your advantage in attempting to see the bear. The sounds of dying cottontail, fawns in distress and the like typically spell out an easy dinner for a hungry black bear. While bears consume mammals as only 10% of their diet; they are more than likely to come to the sound of a dying animal, as bears do not hunt other animals, rather scavenge on the weak and dying, as they also are not overly fond of the smell/taste of rotting flesh.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tree of the Week - White Oak

White Oak (Quercus alba) is one of the most well-known wildlife magnets. A relative to the valuable Red Oak; White Oak is less valuable as timber (especially considering its slow growth rate, which greatly reduces the annualized return), but highly desired from a game management standpoint. Because of its lower tannin content; White Oak acorns are not as bitter tasting as Red Oak, making them highly palatable to wildlife, including bear, deer, and turkey. While tannins can reduce the digestibility of protein; species such as Whitetail Deer have adapted to this by producing compounds in their saliva that binds to tannins; ultimately reducing their effectiveness.

However, White Oak does have a few important drawbacks relative to Red Oak from a game management perspective. Most importantly, white oak is a rather inconsistent producer of acorns; producing large crops once every three to five years, with low yields during the remaining years. Further, while White Oak is more palatable; Red Oak contains upwards of four times the fat content of white oak acorns, which is highly important in northern climates where wildlife require substantial fat reserves to carry them through the winter. For these reasons; the recommended ratio is , at most, one White Oak tree for every three Red Oaks, which will allow for consistent yields of nutritious hard mast, while still providing game managers and hunters .

White Oak can be a very important part of managing wildlife in timber land, as a small population of White Oak trees can provide game managers and hunters a valuable edge in scouting and, ultimately, harvesting wildlife. Locating White Oak trees is a great management tool; as concentrations of wildlife will likely be high in these areas during heavy yielding years. I'd prefer to have a small number of White Oak trees within a large Red Oak grove over a White Oak grove, for the simple reason that game will seek out the White Oaks, making locating game easier; in a White Oak-only grove, game will have no reason to congregate to any given area.

Managing White Oak for game management is a matter of optimizing mast production. To do so, White Oak trees should be afforded ample room to develop large canopies; which will result in larger, more predictable acorn crops. Releasing White Oak trees by thinning areas surrounding these trees is the easiest way to do this in an already-established forest. This thinning will have the added benefit of encouraging natural regeneration; which will provide valuable browse for wildlife during hard winter months.

Planting White Oak is simple; one can purchase quality stock from a reputable supplier if budget is of no concern. If budget is of a concern, collecting acorns from large, disease-free, well-formed White Oaks can be an easy way to establish new trees. White Oak acorns do not require a period of stratification (cold-exposure) to germinate, meaning acorns can be planted in the fall as the crop falls from the canopy. The only drawback to planting acorns is that small mammals will typically dig up and consume the majority of the planted acorns; one can plan on planting acorns in quantities three to five times the desired number of trees to account for this. However, there is no reason to be concerned about transplant shock with this method, which would be significant if one was to spend money in planting purchased seedlings; especially considering their relatively low value as timber. If you are looking to speed up the acorn yield time, which is typically approximately 20 years after planting for regular planting stock; one should consider genetically superior trees, such as those offered by Advanced Tree Technologies. These trees have recorded caliper growth of upwards of 0.8" per year; very impressive for a notoriously slow-grower. Such growth would encourage acorn yields to begin years ahead of schedule. This may be a great option for those who have no White Oak currently present on their land.

Timber Rating (non-genetically enhanced): C
Timber Rating (genetically enhanced): B
Mast Rating: A+

Overall Rating (non-genetically enhanced): B
Overall Rating (genetically enhanced): A